Blood in Semen and Urine

Apex Sexual Helath Clinic

Monday To Saturday :
Morning 3:00- 6:30
Afternoon 8:00-11:30


Torehayloch Glorious Buliding First Floor

Blood in Semen and Urine

Blood in Semen

Anxiety might be caused by seeing blood in the semen. It typically does not indicate a serious medical issue, which is fortunate. Hematospermia, sometimes known as hemospermia, is the term used in medicine to describe the presence of blood in your semen. Men who have hematospermia might naturally be concerned. However, it is unlikely to be a symptom of a serious medical issue. Men typically don’t check their semen after ejaculating, thus it’s unclear how common the symptom of blood in semen really is.

Blood in Urine

The presence of blood in the urine, or hematuria, can be frightful. The cause is frequently not harmful. However, blood in the urine might potentially indicate a serious illness. Blood in the urine (pee) can be caused by a wide range of conditions, including infections, strenuous exercise, and renal disease. You shouldn’t disregard hematuria, or blood in the urine, though. The optimum treatment and cause can be determined with the aid of healthcare professionals.

The good news is that assistance is available; at Apex Sexual Health Clinic, we have a team of professionals who specialized in blood in semen and urine. At Apex Sexual Health Clinic, we provide a thorough evaluation and examination before talking about the best therapy options for you. You can rest assured that the staff at Apex Sexual Health Clinic will treat your problem with discretion and professionally and will talk to you about your needs to make sure you get the right care.

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